The 2019 KDC annual General Assembly will be hosted by the Daylu Dena Council and will be held in the community of Lower Post (Daylu) from Friday, August 9, to Sunday, August 11, 2019. Thursday, August 8, and Monday, August 12 will be travel days.
Earlier in the year it had been planned to hold the General Assembly at the Liard Air Strip, however the decision was made to change the location to the community of Lower Post to make it more convenient for a great number of people to attend.
The theme of this year’s assembly is “Protecting Our Land”.
KDC business and reporting will take place during the mornings, allowing for eating, socializing. and reconnecting with family and friends in the afternoons and evenings. There will be cultural activities, activities for the kids, hand games, and fishing derby.
Check back for more information as we get closer!
In our efforts to protect our environment, we are asking people to bring their own utensils, cup, and plate as there will be no use of Styrofoam or plastic.
Updated July 4, 2019

Image from 2014 KDC General Assembly