October 7
The Royal Proclamation
On October 7, 1763, King George III issued a Royal Proclamation for the administration of British te...

January 1
BC becomes a province of Canada
When BC joined Canada, the province accepted the rights of Aboriginal people as written in the Canadian Constitution and Article...

November 30
Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982
Canada’s Constitution Act Section 35(1) recognizes Aboriginal rights and provides a mechanism for ...

January 1
Kaska Dena Statement of Claim is submitted to Canada
Kaska Dena Council hand delivered a comprehensive land claim to the Kaska territory in BC to the Min...

January 1
Kaska Dena Statement of Claim is accepted by Canada
Canada accepted the Kaska Dena claim for the purposes of negotiation pursuant to Canada’s land cla...

January 1
KDC files a Statement of Intent with the BC Treaty Commission
KDC files a Statement of Intent with the BC Treaty Comm...

January 1
Supreme Court of Canada’s Sparrow decision
In the foundational Sparrow ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that First Nations have an Aboriginal right, as defined in ...

January 1
First Nation Leaders recommend a BC Claims Task Force
Leaders of the First Nations met with the Prime Minister of Canada and then with the ...

September 21
BC Treaty Commission Agreement is signed
The BC Treaty Commission Agreement was signed in a historic ceremony on the ...

December 15
BC Treaty Commission begins accepting Statements of Intent
On November 16, 1993, the Commission announced that beginning on December 15, 1993, First Nation governing bodies could ...

May 10
Stage 1 of BC Treaty Process
KDC filed a Statement of Intent with the BC Treaty Commission to negotiate a Treaty under the BC Tre...

May 10
Amendment to BC Treaty Process is requested to include Ross River and Liard First Nation
Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation, and Kaska Dena Council request an amendment to the negot...

May 10
Kaska Collaboration Agreement is signed
Kaska Communities in BC and Yukon celebrated the signing of the Kaska Collaboration Agreement and ...

January 1
Canada commits to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP)

May 22
Draft principles are distributed to guide BC Public Service on relationships with Indigenous peoples

November 26
British Columbia becomes first Canadian province to pass UN Indigenous Rights declaration