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Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement (1993)
1 file(s) 4420 downloads
Other Documents 584.34 KB
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP | 2008)
1 file(s) 3448 downloads
Other Documents 165.85 KB
Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia – Plain Language Version (2014)
1 file(s) 2706 downloads
Other Documents 3.46 MB
Trees and Treaties: Aboriginal Interests in the Forest Industry in British Columbia (1996)
1 file(s) 2753 downloads
Other Documents 720.05 KB
Transformative Change Accord Between BC, Canada, First Nations of BC (2005)
1 file(s) 2858 downloads
Other Documents 559.38 KB
Transformative Change Accord Between BC, Canada, First Nations of BC (2005)
1 file(s) 2517 downloads
Other Documents 559.38 KB
The Kaska Dene: A Study of Colonialism, Trauma and Healing in Dene Kēyeh / Gillian Farnell. M.A. Thesis (2014)
1 file(s) 2476 downloads
Other Documents 2.97 MB
Status of 1999 Moose Harvest Regulations Issue (1999)
1 file(s) 2623 downloads
Other Documents 1.67 MB
Principles Respecting the Government of Canada’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples (2018)
2 file(s) 3057 downloads
Other Documents 14.30 MB
New Relationship with Aboriginal People: Premier’s Statement. BC (2006)
1 file(s) 2592 downloads
Other Documents 939.97 KB
New Relationship
1 file(s) 5249 downloads
Other Documents 290.56 KB
Map: Acho Dene Koe First Nation Statement of Intent Boundary (undated)
1 file(s) 2749 downloads
Other Documents 266.10 KB
Making the Grade: Guide to Success for Corporate Aboriginal Initiatives. 2nd ed. (2006)
1 file(s) 2682 downloads
Other Documents 3.26 MB
Maa-nulth Final Agreement: Treaty Overview Booklet (2006)
1 file(s) 2653 downloads
Other Documents 1.79 MB
Klahoose First Nation Incremental Treaty Agreement (2009)
1 file(s) 2767 downloads
Other Documents 7.92 MB
How Did We Get Here? A Concise, Unvarnished Account of the History of the Relationship Between Indigenous Peoples and Canada / Senate Canada (2019)
1 file(s) 2186 downloads
Other Documents 824.19 KB
Governance Best Practices Report, First Nations Governance, New Relationship Trust (2009)
1 file(s) 2669 downloads
Other Documents 1.79 MB
Go to the River: Understanding and Experiencing the Liard Watershed / Jeremy Staveley. M.A. Thesis (2012)
1 file(s) 2640 downloads
Other Documents 7.94 MB
Draft Principles that Guide the Province of British Columbia’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples (2018)
1 file(s) 3447 downloads
Other Documents 146.26 KB
Common Table Report. British Columbia Treaty Commission (2008)
1 file(s) 2468 downloads
Other Documents 1.37 MB
BC First Nations Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan (2005)
1 file(s) 2726 downloads
Other Documents 2.12 MB
BC First Nations Land Use Planning: Effective Practices. Guide Prepared for New Relationship Trust (2009)
1 file(s) 2726 downloads
Other Documents 563.00 KB
Aboriginal Healing Foundation 2009-2014 Corporate Plan (2009)
1 file(s) 3292 downloads
Other Documents 1.86 MB
Aboriginal Cultural Tourism: Blueprint Strategy for British Columbia (2005)
1 file(s) 2950 downloads
Other Documents 1.40 MB
A New Direction: Advancing Aboriginal and Treaty Rights (2015)
1 file(s) 3410 downloads
Other Documents 4.51 MB

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