Kaska Collaboration Agreement
May 10, 2011
Kaska Collaboration Agreement
Kaska Communities in B.C. and Yukon celebrated the signing of the Kaska Collaboration Agreement and…
Amendment to the Negotiations
May 10, 2000
Amendment to the Negotiations
Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation and Kaska Dena Council request an amendment to…
Stage 1 of the BC Treaty Process
May 10, 1993
Stage 1 of the BC Treaty Process
KDC filed a Statement of Intent with the BC Treaty Commission to negotiate a Treaty…
Statement of Intent
May 10, 1987
Statement of Intent
Canada accepted the Kaska Dena claim for the purposes of negotiation pursuant to Canada’s land…
Kaska Dena Claim
May 10, 1983
Kaska Dena Claim
Canada accepted the Kaska Dena claim for the purposes of negotiation pursuant to Canada’s land…
Kaska Dena Statement of Claim
May 10, 1982
Kaska Dena Statement of Claim
Kaska Dena Council hand delivered a comprehensive land claim to the Kaska territory in BC…
Constitution Act
November 30, 1981
Constitution Act
Canada’s Constitution Act Section 35(1) recognizes Aboriginal rights and provides a mechanism for determining and…
The Royal Proclamation
November 30, 1762
The Royal Proclamation
On October 7, 1763, King George III issued a Royal Proclamation for the administration of…