Events include:
- Opening Prayer and Welcoming
- Tea Boiling and Bannock Making Contest (Categories: Elders, Adults, Youth)
- Head Pull, Leg Wrestling, Tug of War
- Ax Throwing Competition
- Golf Targeted Drive / Mini Golf
- Walk for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
- Elders and Youth – pick wild onions on the Dease River / visit Community Garden
All day events:
- Stick Gambling Tournament – registration is open from June 1–June 20, 2016 @ 12:00 pm
- Please contact Victor Kisoun for more info and rules (see poster for contact info and entry fee)
- Colouring Contest (Categories: Toddler, Child, Youth)
- Fishing Derby
- Greased Pole Climb
- Health Centre Open House
Lunch & Community Dinner – please bring your own potluck bag
All vendors are welcome to set up all day and evening.
Everyone is encouraged to use your traditional clothing and regalia!

Looking for Volunteers & Helpers!
Job Postings: Cooks (Community Dinner); Clean up and Set up
Please apply with Pamela Moon or Bobbi Moon (see poster for contact info) before June 15, 2016 @ 3:30 pm.